How can I join in?

How can I join in?

There are several ways to support Movement for Justice. We are always happy to receive membership applications, sponsorships and donations. You can find more details in § 5 of our statutes. To this the following excerpt:

§ 5 Acquisition of membership

(1) Any legal person and natural person aged 14 or over who supports the aims and interests of the Association may become a member of the Association. The application for membership must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board.

(2) Members under the age of 18 are exempt from membership fees and do not have the right to vote.

(3) With the application, the applicant acknowledges the statutes in the event of his/her admission. There is no entitlement to admission.

(4) The executive committee decides on the admission by resolution. The decision is to be communicated to* the applicant*; it does not require justification.

(5) Membership begins with the admission decision.

(6) Persons who regularly make financial contributions without being a member are sponsors. Further details are regulated in the working framework.
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